Copy/paste doesn't make category item filename unique
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- 28 Jun 2011, 01:42 PM
- 27 Jun 2011, 08:29 PM
Alex September 19, 2011 at 9:08 PM
Closing, since 5.1.3 release has been released.
Alex June 28, 2011 at 1:46 PM
Fix committed to [b]5.1.x branch/b. Commit Message:
Fixes #0000385: Copy/paste doesn't make category item filename unique
Alex June 28, 2011 at 1:43 PM
Tested by developer, since too close to release.
Dmitry Andrejev June 27, 2011 at 8:45 PM
Please find attached patch with fixes for Category Items.
1. Make sure it works for Categories and ending is unique on one level. With new patch it uses Ending letter from across the DB.
2. Make sure separator for CategoryItem filenames is used from Configuration settings
Alex June 27, 2011 at 7:54 AM
Strange things happening in item creation process:
1. no filename at start
2. before item is assigned to a category check is made for unique filename
3. since no assigned category check is made across all database and wrong filename is generated
4. item is assigned to a category
5. check is made, that filename is unique in this category
6. all passes
Problem happens, when item creation in temp table happens in same time, when it's copied to live table.
For example, when you go to "Sections" tab on category item editing, then it's probably won't be a problem.
Patch Instructions
Patches must be submitted through Phabricator.
To submit patch via Command Line use Patches Workflow (via Arcanist) tutorial.
To submit patch via Web Interface use Patches Workflow (via Web Interface) tutorial.
When item, e.g. product is copied from one category to other category, then it's Filename field's value stays the same. I suppose this happens because of maybe category item's filename should be unique only inside it's primary category OR Filename's field unique value just not updated during copy/paste operations.
When I edit such category item (the one I've just pasted to other category) and without changing any of the fields save it, then "_a" is added to it's filename resulting all detail page links on Front-End to be invalid.
I suppose, that "_a" should be added during cloning.